Enhanced Night Visibility Series, Volume XVIII: Overview of phase III.

Hankey, J.M. McLaughlin, S.B. Gibbons, R.B. Williams, V.H. Clark, J. & Dingus, T.A.

This volume provides an overview of the three studies that compose Phase III of the Enhanced Night Visibility project. The first study compared two prototype near infrared (NIR) vision enhancement systems (VESs), an infrared thermal imaging system (IR–TIS), and three headlamp-only systems in terms of drivers’ nighttime detection and recognition of 17 objects. The objects included pedestrians on both sides of straight and curved sections of the road, roadway signs, and obstacles. A subset of the VESs and objects also were tested in rain conditions. The results indicated that both NIR and IR–TIS, if correctly implemented, provided additional detection benefit over headlamps alone for pedestrians in clear conditions. In rain conditions, the NIR also benefited object detection. A disability and discomfort glare study was also conducted with four high intensity discharge lamps and one halogen low-beam lamp. The results indicated that maximum illumination was the best predictor of driver discomfort and disability. (Author/publisher)

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C 46886 [electronic version only] /83 /91 ITRD E841619

McLean, VA, U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Safety Research and Development, 2005, VI + 21 p., 2 ref.; FHWA-HRT-04-149

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