Enquete concernant les blessures oculaires dues aux accidents de la route. (Survey of eye injuries due to road accidents.)

Duval, H. & Filou, C.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the number and severity of eye injuries observed in road accidents, distinguishing between those caused by the impact of the head on the windscreen and those in which the windscreen broke and splinters of glass were projected inside the vehicle. The survey was conducted from 1970 to 1975 in the eye unit of the hospital: hotel dieu in paris, and in the medico-surgical centre gui de chauliac in montpellier. Part of this report deals with the economic evaluation of eye injuries sustained in road accidents.

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B 17206 /84 / IRRD 105553

Arcueil, l'Organisme National de Sécurité Routière ONSER, 1976, 82 p.

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