The environment : introductory report.


Almost all countries have a Ministry of Transport encompassing all sectors of transport, often also other activities. But each transport sector's activities are usually planned and programmed separately. However, transport policy needs to be made for and with the sectors together and the linkages between modes and tradeoffs between sectors should be included in making the policy. Looking at the whole transport system with a strategic approach is relatively recent in most countries. Often, the driving force is the need to combat congestion and air pollution, but also to balance large-scale investment needs in different networks. The actual focus on "sustainability" of road project development requires a revised approach to the built and natural environments. A new form of alliance between an engineering bio approach in the domain of environmental impact assessment for roads and a new aesthetic/humanistic approach to landscape conservation and planning is proposed. PIARC performed an international survey on: soil and water protection; how to deal with contaminated land; recycling of used materials; how to take account of flora, fauna, archaeology, water and noise; and work sites. The consequences of the ever-increasing demand for mobility on existing main roads risk cancellation of projects through increased congestion and unacceptable pollution. It is mandatory for managers of existing networks that they reconcile economic growth (and social and cultural emancipation related to mobility) with the living environment, road safety, noise, and air and water pollution control. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118727.

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C 27258 (In: C 27238 CD-ROM) /15 /21 /72 / ITRD E118747

In: Proceedings of XXIst World Road Congress held Kuala Lumpur, 3-9 October 1999, CD-ROM, 40 p.

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