Environmental and rider related factors in snowmobile, all- terrain vehicle and dirtbike crashes.

Rogers, C.D. Pagliarello, G. & Nelson, W.R.

A retrospective study was conducted of the records of adult trauma patients hospitalized between January 1982 and February 1990. Seventy- eight cases (3%) resulting from snowmobile, all- terrain vehicles and dirtbike collisions were examined. Detailed injury data which indicate a predominance of head, chest, and long bone injuries are presented. Although the number of admissions are small, recreational vehicle injuries pose a significant health hazard.

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B 30656 (In: B 30651 S) /81 /84 / IRRD 834902

In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine AAAM, Scottsdale, Arizona, October 1- 3, 1990, p.57- 67, 21 ref.

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