Environmental Construction Operations (ECO) Plan Framework.

Snider, D.

Bringing environmental management issues to the forefront in the road construction industry in Alberta was the thrust behind the development of the Environmental Construction Operations Plan Framework. Together with its partners, the Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association and the Consulting Engineers of Alberta, Alberta Transportation initiated a proactive process to address road construction-related environmental concerns and ensure that the environment is protected during highway construction activties across the province. This project was nominated for the TAC 2001 Environmental Achievement Award. For the covering abstract of this conference see ITRD number E211271.

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C 30841 (In: C 30793 CD-ROM) /15 /50 / ITRD E211261

In: Transportation : from vision to reality : proceedings of the 2002 annual conference and exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada TAC, Winnipeg, September 15-18, 2002, 8 p.

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