Environmental impacts of high-speed rail links in cost-benefit analyses: a case study of the Dutch Zuider Zee line.

Van-Wee, B. Van-Den-Brink, R. & Nijland, H.

Since 2000 it has been formally required in the Netherlands to evaluate major infrastructure projects according to a standard manual. Here the focus is on its application to the Zuider Zee line, a possible rail link to run from the west to the north of the country, starting at Schiphol Airport and ending at the northern towns in the province of Groningen. We put a major emphasis on environmental impacts of the line, including the methods used to estimate impacts and the results. Ways to improve current practice are discussed. A major advantage has been that the environment has been put on the research and policy agenda at an early stage, although insights into the effects of rail infrastructure on the landscape and nature are limited. (Author/publisher).

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I E118813 /15 /72 / ITRD E118813

Transportation Research Part D. 2003 /07. 8d(4) Pp299-314 (34 Refs.)

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