Environmental mitigation of Astotin Creek at Range Road 214 Twinning - Strathcona County.

Horton, B.

Range Road 214 was a paved 2-lane rural collector road that had been upgraded in the early 80's in order to service the original Scotford Refinery, as well as other smaller petro-chemical plants. Strathcona County commissioned Reid Crowther & Partners Ltd. (now Earth Tech Canada Ltd.) to conduct a functional planning study for Range Road 214. The study was to evaluate the most cost effective standard of road given the anticipated traffic volume increase related to the Scotford Upgrader and the appropriate alignment configuration. The redesign and reconstruction of the 800m section of Astotin Creek adjacent to Range Road 214 resulted in a net increase in habitat volume and a substantial increase in habitat quality over that which existed along this section of Astotin Creek. This project was nominate for the TAC 2001 Environmental Achievement Award. For the covering abstract of this conference see ITRD number E211271.

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C 30844 (In: C 30793 CD-ROM) /15 /21 / ITRD E211264

In: Transportation : from vision to reality : proceedings of the 2002 annual conference and exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada TAC, Winnipeg, September 15-18, 2002, 20 p.

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