Epidemiology and injury biomechanics of motor vehicle related trauma to the human spine.

Yoganandan, N. Pintar, F.A. Haffner, M. et.al.

The purpose of the clinical study was to determine the most commonly injured anatomic levels of the cervical spine, to classify these injuries based on an impairment scale, to determine the mechanism of injury at each spinal level, to evaluate the differences, if any, between the patient (survivors) and fatality data with respect to the location and mechanism of injury, and to compare this data obtained from a localized population with literature results and national samples.

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B 29815 (In: B 29801 [electronic version only]) /84 / IRRD 829253

In: Proceedings of the 33rd Stapp Car Crash Conference, Washington, D.C., October 4- 6, 1989, p.223- 242, 36 ref. SAE Paper No. 892438.

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