The epidemiology and prevention of traffic accidents involving child pedestrians.

Read, J.H. Bradley, E.J. Morison, J.D. []

A study of motor vehicle accidents involving children is reported. Factors investigated were the driver, the vehicle, the weather, the time of day, the day of week, the month, the width of roadway, the location of the accident, the child's age, sex, personality, school record, and family background, the type of injury, and the ambulance and hospital service received.

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1 + 9 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 6637 fo /80/81.3/83.2/83.5/

Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 89 (1963), (October 5) p. 687-701, fig., graph., tab., ref.

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