Epilepsy and driving : the perspective of an Australian neurologist.

Black, A.B.

Anyone with poorly controlled epilepsy has the potential to lose awareness while driving and is therefore not safe to drive. Another person whose epilepsy is effectively managed and has had no seizures for many months or years is less a risk to the public and may be considered safe. All drivers are at risk of accidents. The problem facing medical practitioners and licensing authorities is whether a particular person with epilepsy constitutes a risk that is very different from the ordinary driver. The other question that must concern those who are involved in the management of epilepsy is whether the potential driver with epilepsy is considered by all parties in a manner that is equitable with others whose medical conditions might contribute to loss of control over a motor vehicle, such as sleep disorders, cardiovascular disease, syncope, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric disorders, drug dependency and alcoholism. (A)

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C 35660 [electronic version only]

Medicine and Law, Vol. 20 (2001), No. 4, p. 553-568, 38 ref.

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