Equestrian crossings.


Local Transport Notes 1/95 and 2/95 give details of the assessment and design of pedestrian crossings in the UK. Crossing for equestrians can be assessed in a similar way. This leaflet gives supplementary guidance on equestrian crossings. The leaflet gives advice on crossings not controlled by traffic light signals, signal-controlled crossings, signals, push buttons, road surfacing and paving, holding areas, signal timings, red lamp monitoring, shared crossings (for pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians). The basic layout of a parallel crossing for equestrians and pedestrians is outlined.

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C 26760 [electronic version only] /73 /85 / ITRD E118847

London, Department for Transport, Traffic Advisory Unit, 2003, 6 p., 13 ref.; Traffic Advisory Leaflet ; 3/03

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