Equestrian road safety.

Parker, J.

The number of accidents involving horses on the road is increasing. Car drivers often do not realise the unpredictability of a horse. The Highway Code recommends slowing down, passing wide and avoiding making sudden noises. The British Horse Society works hard to improve road safety for riders by raising the profile of issues affecting riders, establishing new bridleways, keeping rights-of-way open and including references to horses in the Highway Code. Many riders take the British Horse Society's Riding and Road Safety Test. Riders are taught to ride defensively and never to put themselves in a position in which they are sandwiched between traffic. By wearing high visibility clothing, horses and riders can improve safety.

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C 28101 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E120150

Good Motoring Magazine, October 17, 2003, p. 48

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