Equity and accessibility challenges for "liveable" Australian cities.

Smith, N. Olaru, D. Marquez, L. & McNamara, C.

There has been increasing interest in holistic assessment of the value of transport initiatives. This is sometimes described as Triple E assessment because it considers the Economy, Equity and the Environment. Organisational performance in addressing these three aspects of developments is measured to produce a Triple Bottom line report. This paper describes the first stages of research to find better measures of transport equity by improving measurement of accessibility. Via a case study of travellers and travel in Western Sydney the paper considers the complex interactions land use, socio-economic characteristics of the population and travel patterns. The results clearly show high motor vehicle dependence, but they also cast doubt on the adequacy of some proposed solutions to reduce motor traffic. The analysis shows the benefit of considering spatial aspects of accessibility at fine area level and suggests that linking this to more detail consideration of cultural needs and preference would be helpful in informing planning to improve transport equity. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210528.

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C 29077 (In: C 29076 CD-ROM) /72 /83 /15 / ITRD E210529

In: CAITR-2003 : [proceedings of the] 25th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research, University of South Australia, Transport Systems Centre, 3-5 December 2003, 14 p.

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