Erfahrungen mit weissen Markierungsmaterikalien im Laboratorium und in der Praxis. [Experiences with white marking materials in the laboratory and in practice.]

Tamm, M. & Walter.G.

Laboratory and full-scale tests have shown that the manufacture of "white gussasphalt" from natural and synthetic resins meets with difficulties in as far as most of these resins have a greater sensitivity to temperatures than road bitumen with which the black gussasphalt is manufactured. Therefore application of experiences with black gussasphalt to white gussasphalt is not immediately possible. Inevitably greater deformability at higher temperatures and greater brittleness at lower temperatures, simultaneously bound up with more difficult placing, must be allowed for. The tests have, moreover, shown that it is easy to work with a soft "white gussasphalt".

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 1109 T

Strasse, Vol 7 (1967), No 4 (April), p. 168-175, 4 FIG, 3 TAB, 5 PHOT, 3 REF

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