Ernst en omvang van ongevallen in de privésfeer : een enquête-onderzoek onder ruim 18.000 huishoudens in Nederland.

Rogmans, W.H.J.

The aim of this study is the introduction of a continuous registration of accidents in the private sector (not traffic accidents or accidents caused by accupational conditions). Interviews were held and the number of such accidents is estimated at over 2 million per year. 22% of these accidents are caused by sport activities, 19% in household activities, 18% by children and 10% in do it by yourself activities.

Publicatie aanvragen

1 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 23486 [electronic version only] /01/10/84/

Amsterdam, Veiligheidsinstituut, 1982, 115 p., graph., tab., ref.; Rapport No. 8

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