eSafety : final report of the eSafety Working Group on Road Safety.

eSafety Working Group on Road Safety; Vits, A. (chair) & Jaaskelainen, J. (rapp.)

A safe and efficient transport system is required for the enlarging EU. It is considered necessary to use the new information and communications technologies to increase safety and the efficiency of mobility. The plan to reduce road fatalities by 50% in the EU and the large-scale deployment of intelligent integrated road safety systems is outlined. The building blocks for integrated safety include consolidated accident causation data, the assessment of safety systems, human-machine interaction, intelligent integrated safety systems, intelligent passive safety systems, navigation systems usable in incident detection, emergency call systems, and driver information for road safety. Requirements for adapting regulations, standardisation, legal considerations, and the role of ultra wide-band 24GHz short range radar are discussed. Estimates of the social benefits and costs of intelligent safety systems, incentives to promote the adoption of such systems by car purchasers, the business case for commercial development, and user outreach are considered. The 28 recommendations include the creation of an eSafety Forum.

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C 26090 [electronic version only] /83 /85 /91 / ITRD E117663

Brussels, European Commission, 2002, 53 p.

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