Estimating the life-cycle cost of intersection designs.

Rodegerdts, L.A. Bessman, J.W. Reinke, D.B. Kittelson, M.J. Knudsen, J.K. Batten, C.D. & Wilkerson, M.T.

Agencies and practitioners have long struggled with the task of comparing intersection and facility designs in terms of the immediate and long-term costs. NCHRP Project 03-110: Estimating the Life-Cycle Cost of Intersection Designs came about to address this issue by developing a tool that provides a consistent and defensible approach to such comparisons. The Life-Cycle Cost Estimation Tool (LCCET) is a spreadsheet program written in a Microsoft Excel for Windows that allows users to compare alternatives based on initial construction costs, ongoing maintenance and operations costs, operational efficiencies for a variety of modes, safety effects, and emissions. The results show relative comparison of alternatives, including benefit-cost ratios compared to a base case. The tool also displays results visually to facilitate a better understanding of where costs would be incurred. (Author/publisher)


20170325 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., Transportation Research Board TRB, 2017, III + 94 p. + 3 app., 20 ref.; National Cooperative Highway Research Program NCHRP Web-only Document 220 / NCHRP Project 03-110 - ISBN 978-0-309-43112-5

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