Estimating preferred departure times of road users in a real-life network.

Kristofferson, I. & Engelson, L.

Most variable road pricing systems aim at moving traffic from the peak hour to the peak shoulders, so called peak spreading. The means by which this is done is by charge differentiation: it is most expensive to travel at the most congested point in time. However, most large-scale transport planning models in use today are static and changes in the temporal distribution of trips are not considered. It is therefore likely that false conclusions are drawn when using these models to evaluate the ability of differentpricing schemes or infrastructure investments to alleviate congestion. Tobetter model the temporal distribution of traffic has been the basis of the development of SILVESTER (SImuLation of choice betWEen Starting TimEs and Routes), which is a dynamic transport model for the Stockholm area. In SILVESTER road network conditions during the extended morning peak period (06:30-09:30) are modelled. The morning is divided into twelve 15-minute time intervals and a departure time choice model allocates trips to each interval depending on their attractiveness. The attractiveness of a time interval is determined by its corresponding travel time, travel time uncertainty, monetary cost and how close it is to the preferred time interval (PDT) of the traveller. The travellers can also choose to start before 06:30 or after 09:30. Mode choice is partially modelled by introducing the possibility for car-users to switch to public transport if it is perceived as a better option than any of the time intervals. It is distinguished between three trip purposes: business trips, trips with fixed schedule and school trips, and trips with flexible schedule and other trips. In SILVESTER iteration towards a general equilibrium between supply and demand is performed. The supply quantities (travel times, uncertainties etc.) are calculated with the mesoscopic dynamic traffic assignment model CONTRAM, whereas the demand for each time interval and public transport alternative is calculated with a mixed logit discrete choice model. A calibrated origin-destination-matrix (OD-matrix) for the Stockholm CONTRAM network exists and is based mainly on traffic counts but also on travel times for some selected OD-pairs. Instead of making an exogenous assumption about the PDT-distributionthis study uses a reverse engineering approach to reveal PDTs from the observed departure times of the reference situation. It is the combination of the estimated departure time choice model, the travel conditions and theobserved departure times that can be used to get information about the PDTs. Once the PDTs have been calibrated for the reference situation they can be used in the evaluation of a congestion relieving strategy. For the covering abstract see ITRD E145999

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C 49492 (In: C 49291 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E157094

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference ETC, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 6-8 October 2008, 14 p.

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