Estimation of OD demand for dynamic assignment with route choice and departure time choice.

Lindveld, D.R. & Zijpp, N. van der

This paper describes a framework for DUO D&R (Dynamic User Optimum Departure Time and Route Choice) assignment. The authors have noted the complexity of true DUO assignments, and used a simplified algorithm to obtain approximate solutions for dynamic traffic assignment by viewing it as a static assignment on a STEN (Space Time Extended Network). The authors have noted that the DUO D&R assignment can be interpreted as a DUO assignment on an augmented STEN and have pointed out that departure-time choice can be modelled using an artificial network in which departure-time choice is represented as route-choice. The authors have described the framework being used to estimate dynamic O/D matrices, both with respect to the DUO and the DUO D&R assignments.

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C 20281 (In: C 20279) /71 / ITRD E108406

In: Transport modelling : proceedings of Seminar K (P445) of the European Transport Conference 2000, held Homerton College, Cambridge, UK, 11-13 September 2000, p. 15-27, 8 ref.

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