Etude de cas : expérience du Royaume du Maroc dans la lutte contre les accidents de la circulation routière.

Belmahi, A.

During 1985 2694 persons were killed and 33269 persons were injured in traffic accidents in Morocco. In 1977 a national committee for the prevention of traffic accidents was introduced with the main purpose to set a policy for decreasing the number of traffic casualties. An overview is given of the actions introduced during the past years such as the use of safety belts, traffic education at schools, the role of medical car and first aid, and publicity.

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B 31814 (In: B 31801) / 81/ 83/ IRRD 844688

In: 3rd World Congress of the International Road Safety Organisation PRI, Montreal, 10-14 June 1988, p. 152-179.

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