Étude des moyens de protection des usagers of cyclomoteurs : étude de 171 accidents de cyclomotoristes.

Thomas, C. Foret-Bruno, J.Y. Henry, C. Faverjon, G. & Tarriere, C.

Results of a study of 171 motorcycle accidents which occurred in urban and rural areas of France during 1976 are presented. The main objectives of this study were as follows: to classify the motorcycle injuries according to frequency and severity and source of injury impact (with ground or impact with vehicle), to establish the most frequently occurring and most serious types of car/motorcycle collisions, and comment on the violence of the impacts, and to evaluate how effectively the various types of helmets can protect the motorcycle rider.

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B 19905 MF [electronic version only]

Colombes, Groupement d'Interet économique de Recherches et d'Études Peugeot-Renault (GIEPR), Laboratoire de Physiologie et de Biomecanique, 1977, 203 p., fig., tab.,ref. [rapport begint op pag. 132 van pdf]

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