EU Drink Driving Forum [Brussels, Belgium, May 19th, 2011] : summary of proceedings.


The Traffic Injury Research Foundation released the proceedings of the 2011 EU Drink Driving Forum held in Brussels, Belgium in May 2011. This event attracted more than 100 attendees representing decision-makers, leading international researchers, road safety practitioners and industry representatives from 19 different countries. The proceedings from the Forum contain highlights from discussions, which focused on increasing understanding of the many facets of the drink driving problem as they relate to priorities and solutions. The Forum’s first session discussed evidence-based research on the effects of alcohol on executive functioning, the attitudes and beliefs of convicted drink drivers, findings from the Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, Alcohol and Medicines (DRUID) project, and young impaired drivers. The second session looked at solutions and global actions to promote broader awareness of the impaired driving system including discussions on alcohol ignition interlocks and biomarkers, road safety and the European Union Policy, transdermal alcohol testing, solutions from Poland, and initiatives delivered by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC). Funding for the EU Drink Driving Forum was kindly provided by Anheuser-Busch InBev as part of their commitment to the European Commission’s Alcohol & Health Forum. (Author/publisher) This report, can be accessed at

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20120183 ST [electronic version only]

Ottawa, Ontario, Traffic Injury Research Foundation of Canada TIRF, 2012, VI + 23 p. - ISBN 978-1-926857-25-1

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