EU energy and transport in figures : statistical pocketbook 2002.

European Commission, Directorate General for Energy and Transport VII & Eurostat

The main aim of this pocket book is to provide energy and transport statistics for the EU Member States in a user-friendly format. Most of the data cover the period 1970-2000. The pocket book is based on a range of sources, including Eurostat, international organisations, national statistics, studies, and where no data are available, estimates. The figures relating to the transport of goods by sea are now obtained through the implementation of EU Directive 95/64/EC. These figures are lower than previously estimated and this has led to a different modal split compared with those shown in previous editions. Data are provided on general socioeconomic background, fuel consumption, imports of coal, oil and gas, energy taxation, electricity generation (including renewable resources), energy prices, energy balance, transport growth, employment in transport, infrastructure, motorisation, vehicle registrations, other means of transport, goods transport (road and sea), passenger transport (public and private), carbon dioxide emissions and oil spills at sea. Data are given on EU countries, and where available, other European Economic Area countries, Switzerland, European Union Candidate Countries, and the USA and Japan. The tables of this book, and links to the sources of data, may also be found on the Europa Internet site at:

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C 26677 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /70 / ITRD E119221

Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Eur-OP, 2002, 206 p.; Catalogue number KO-AB-02-001-EN-C - ISBN 92-894-4165-8

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