European best practice for roadside design : guidelines for roadside infrastructure on new and existing roads. Roadside Infrastructure for Safer European Roads RISER, Deliverable D06.


The European Commission Directorate General for Transportation and Energy (DGTREN) sponsored a research project to investigate the best practice guidelines for roadside infrastructure. The RISER consortium has compiled the following document which is a synthesis of existing practice in Europe with additional information collected from accident and human behaviour studies. Several technical reports developed in the RISER project were the basis for this document and can provide more technical information. The following information is presented as a template for future users. There are national and regional issues that arise when it comes to the implementation of European norms or guidelines into the member states. This document should be considered as a starting point for national policies that must be adapted to the local geographical, economic, and demographic conditions. Through the use of a common starting point, commonly accepted best practice procedures will be spread throughout the EU member states and facilitate improved roadside safety design, and – most importantly – safety levels throughout the EU. (Author/publisher)

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20100235 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (TREN), 2005, VII + 96 p. + app., ref.

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