European Commission calls for a unified alcohol limit for drivers.


European Union countries currently have varying limits for legally acceptable blood alcohol for drivers, with the lowest limit in Sweden and highest in Austria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, and the UK, with intermediate levels in the other European Union countries. The European Transport Commissioner, Neil Kinnock, has called on the eight countries with the high limits to reduce their limits to 50ml alcohol per litre of blood (the levels currently used by Belgium, France, Finland, Greece, The Netherlands and Portugal). Neil Kinnock also marked 30 years of breathalysing the United Kingdom by paying tribute to Baroness Castle who first introduced legislation on acceptable alcohol limits for drivers in 1967. (A)

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981005 ST [electronic version only]

Addiction, Vol. 93 (1998), No. 3 (March), p. 447

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