European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 324 : long term performance of road pavements : final report of the Action.

European Commission EC, Directorate-General Transport VII

The report of COST Action 324 describes the work carried out to integrate national studies on long term pavement performance for use at European level. Fifteen countries participated in this 3 year study in which the current position was assessed, and the methodology necessary to ensure future co-operation on the topic within Europe was developed. Firstly, an inventory of pavement performance studies and mathematical models is presented together with an analysis of the factors believed to influence pavement performance. The inventory includes details of the various methods being used to collect data on the condition of road pavements in the national networks and on road test sections used specifically for long term performance studies. Information is also provided on the large scale research facilities used for accelerated loading testing of specially constructed test sections. A methodology is proposed for normalising the methods used in the participating countries for measuring pavement condition data by inspection of the distresses visible on the road surface. An assessment is presented of the national pavement distress manuals. Terms of reference have been developed for creating a European database for storing pavement condition data, for collection traffic data and for developing pavement performance models for use in European pavement management systems. The work of COST Action 324 Management Committee will be used as key input to a 2 year European study in which historical and current pavement condition data will be collected and analysed to develop pavement performance models for Europe. (Author/publisher)

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C 19485 [electronic version only] /22 /60 / IRRD 896355

Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Eur-OP, 1997, 166 p., 61 ref.; Transport Research ; EUR 17546 / Cat. no.: C3-05-97-042-EN-C - ISBN 92-828-0308-2

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