European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research COST 331 : requirements for road marking : state of the art.

European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport

The final purpose of COST Action 331 is to establish an up-to-date scientific method with which, on the basis of drivers' visual needs, to determine the optimum pavement marking design in order to ensure that they are visible, by day and by night, in all weather conditions. At present, most national regulations or technical specifications on this subject lay down more or less appropriate minimum values for the parameters which define their essential characteristics (named, night and day time visibility and skid resistance) without taking always into account the real visual demands of drivers. The application field of the Action is limited to interurban roads (motorways, dual carriageways and single carriageways). In consequence, pavement markings applied in urban areas are out of the scope of this research. The scope of the action is therefore confined to longitudinal road markings (of both types: conventional and designed to provide night time visibility in adverse weather conditions) including directional arrows, hatch markings and chevrons. In addition, the influence in road safety of the mechanical and visual properties of retroreflecting road studs is also covered. Colour of road markings is not considered itself as a variable to be included in the different experimental phases however, it is expected to be able to get sustainable conclusions about the influence of colour in road safety from the final results of the action. This report, therefore, deals with the "state of the art", in the area falling within the Action's scope. To that purpose, an appropriate questionnaire, to be filled in by means of interviews with relevant decision makers in Europe, has been prepared and circulated. A summary of the answers provided as well as the most outstanding conclusions that can be derived from them are included as well. This questionnaire has been divided into three parts: - Part 1: Road markings. - Part 2: Retroreflecting road studs (RRS). - Part 3: Additional information. (Author/publisher)

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C 25612 [electronic version only] /85 / ITRD E116566

Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Eur-OP, 1997, 89 p., 81 ref.

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