European handbook of best practices on powered-two-wheeler's safety. ROsa SAfety for the motorcyclists ROSA Project.

Pérez Rubio, A. Molinero, A. Plaza, J. Chacel, J.L. Mansilla, A. Reyes, J.M. Toribio, J.C. Forte, R. Porto, A. Diez, J. & Forjaz, D.

With the aim of helping to improve road safety figures related to PTW users, ROSA European Project (2010-2011) has been deeply working on two main activities: the elaboration of a “Handbook of Best Road Safety Practices“ and the dissemination of these Best Practices to the own PTW users as well as to the other type of road users those stay alive together with these vulnerable users: - The elaboration of the "Good Practices Handbook", the main result of "ROSA Project", has been done taking into account six epigraphs: Infrastructure, Vehicle, Human Factor, Motorcyclist Clothing, Enforcement and Education-Training. With this wide and multidisciplinary perspective the following actions have been carried out during the elaboration of this handbook: to assess and analyze the different initiatives that have been put on practice so far within the European Union; to compile the opinion from motorcyclist users and from people involved in the motorcyclist sector; and finally, to organize different 'working sessions' with experts on road safety taking advantage of MotoGP 2010 World Championship. - The dissemination of these Best Practices have been carried out during the period of ROSA project (12 months), having had a media impact estimated in 5 million of people. The different ways of dissemination have been: * Circuits: ROSA project has been in 11 European circuits of the “FIM MotoGP 2010 World Championship” during 2010 (Jerez // Le Mans // Mugello // Silverstone // Assen // Montmeló // Sachsenring // Brno // Motorland // Estoril // Cheste). * Television: At Local, Regional, National and European level showing what ROSA has meant as well as good MotoGP World Championship”. * Internet: Information of ROSA, as well as good practices have been uploaded on different web pages (ROSA official web; ROSA partners webs; MotoGP official web; youtube; facebook; …). * Radio programs (at Regional and National level). * Newspapers-magazines: Either specific (motorcycling) or general newspapers-magazines. * Motorcyclist Conferences and Motorcycle rallies: Events where the issue to be dealt is the motorcyclist and the road safety. (Author/publisher)

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20110366 ST [electronic version only]

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), 2011, 76 p., ref.; TREN/SUB/01-2009

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