European road statistics 2011.

Nicodème, C. Diamandouros, K. Díez, J.L. Fusco, I. & Durso, C.

This 10th edition of the European Road Statistics 2011 presents itself as a cornerstone tool to interpret the current road transport picture in Europe and consequently to support policy makers and stakeholders taking appropriate and informed decisions based on factual data. The ERF wants to convey the message that a sound, safe, efficient, properly financed and maintained road infrastructure is the sine qua non condition for providing global mobility and promoting economic development, whilst reducing the environmental impact of road transport and increasing the welfare of our citizens. The ERF is convinced that this 10th edition of the European Road Statistics will provide useful and reliable information and will continue to demonstrate the importance of road transport for society. (Author/publisher)

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C 51068 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /70 /81 /

Brussels, European Union Road Federation (ERF), [2012], 88 p.

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