European [Union] road statistics 2009.

Nicodème, C. Vizcarra-Mir, B. Diamandouros, K. Dezes, L. & Fusco, I.

The ERF- IRF BPC is delighted to present you with the 2009 edition of the European Road Statistics, the annual publication containing all essential information on the road transport sector. Throughout the years, the European Road Statistics have continued to deliver accurate data on the sector, making them a tool of paramount importance for policy makers and industry representatives alike. As transport faces the challenges of the new century, it becomes vital that decisions are made taking into consideration the true impact of this vital sector of the European economy. The eigth edition of the European Road Statistics aims at delivering factual information to expose the true extent and value of the European road sector. (Author/publisher)

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C 51066 [electronic version only] /10 /15 /70 /81 /

Brussels, European Union Road Federation (ERF) / International Road Federation IRF, Brussels Programme Centre, 2009, 78 p.

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