Europe's safety drive.

Townsend, E.

If an average sized plane crashed every day without any survivors, European policy-makers would act – but the same number die on the roads and few take notice, says European Transport Safety Council. In 2010, some 31,000 people lost their lives on roads in the European Union. The estimated figure for 2011 stands at approximately 30,600, a mere 2 per cent reduction – a long way off the European Commission target of getting down to 15,500 road deaths by 2020. According to commission vice-president Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, 85 people die on EU roads every day. (Author/publisher)

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C 50699 [electronic version only]

Public Service Review: Transport, 2012, No. 29 (24 May), p. 46-47, 3 ref.

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