Evaluatie fietsroutenetwerk Delft. Voorstudie Plantagebrug.

Gommers, M.J.P.F. Jansen, G.R.M & Vuren, T. van.

In order to enhance bicycle use, the city of Delft developed an ambitious bicycle network scheme and started implementation during 1982. One of the major projects of the bicycle-scheme is a new bridge ("Plantagebrug") to be built for bicyclists. This bridge will be situated in between two existing bridges. This report deals with the results of the before study (1984), the purpose of which is to describe the present travel pattern of the cyclists crossing the canal and further to predict the effects of the nev bridge on this travel pattern as far as they are result of changes in route-choice.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 25080 /21/72/ IRRD 293887

Delft, Technische Hogeschool, lnstituut voor Stedebouwkundig Onderzoek, Afdeling der Bouwkunde, 1985, X + 143 P. 9 fig. graph., tab., ref, , Rapport No. 55.

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