Evaluatie mobiliteitseffecten VINEX-locaties : eindrapport + tabellenboek. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Hilbers, H.D. Wilmink, I.R. & Droppert-Zilver, M.N.

Mobility objectives play an important role in the formulation of the current Dutch spatial policy. Now that the first VINEX (the Fourth National Planning Scheme Extra) locations are inhabited, a need to assess the locations with regard to their effect on mobility has arisen. Important aspects are both the physical structure, realised to enhance proximity and accessibility, and the actual travel patterns of the new inhabitants. To assess either aspect, a first application of the methodology developed in an earlier project (See IRRD E201671) has been carried out. In this project, the mobility behaviour of inhabitants of different types of new dwelling locations has been analysed. Also, the influence of different spatial characteristics of locations, such as proximity, public transport quality, and mix of functions of work and housing on the mobility behaviour has been explored. The results emphasise the importance of making use of inner city locations, which have more attractive mobility effects than the new dwelling locations outside the cities. (A)

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C 14344 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E201672

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, Afdeling Vervoer, 1999, XXII + 73 + 73 p., 11 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro vervoer 1999-19a + 1999-19b / 99/NV/182 + 99/NV/183 - ISBN 90-6743-624-0

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