Evaluatie onderzoek bereikbaarheidsplan oude stad Delft : uittreksel uit het samenvattend rapport.

Grotenhuis, D.H. ten & Pettinga, A.D.

In april 1978 a traffic-circulation-plan was introduced for the inner-city of Delft, the "Accessibility Plan". Pre- and post-surveys were done to check the effects of the traffic measures. It may be concluded from the total of inquiries that the primary aim of the Accessibility Plan (a better environment in the "old city" by adapted traffic-circulation) has been reached for the greater part, without damaging the retail-trade in general.

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B 18667 (In: B 18651 [electronic version only]) /21/72/ IRRD 255849

In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen 1981, Driebergen, 13 - 14 mei 1981, p. 289-312, 1 fig., 7 ref.

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