Evaluatie van de invoering van het nieuwe RVV 1990 : enquête onder weggebruikers : verslag van een voormeting.

Wittink, R.D.

The new Dutch traffic regulations (RVV of 1990) have been effective since 1 November 1991. This study presents the results of a door-to-door questionnaire evaluation study into the new RVV. The sample survey was carried out among 672 sixteen year olds and older persons in Augustus-October 1991, before the start of a publicity campaign concerning the new changes. It appears, for instance, that relatively more car drivers and less younger persons wanted to be familiar with traffic safety. It can be concluded that: (1) there is a need for changes in traffic regulations; (2) respondents believe that too many offences are made; (3) they support the necessity for more responsibility; and (4) more protection of vulnerable road users is believed to be necessary. According to the majority of the respondents, these changes mean an improvement in general. However, they did not believe that there should be less traffic regulations. They also evaluated some concrete changes less positively, for instance that cars are not obliged to get in the left-hand lane anymore. At the beginning of October 1991, 23% of the respondents knew that the RVV was going to change. However, 20% of the respondents did not know which traffic regulation was going to change.


C 1956 [electronic version only] /73 / IRRD 860117

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1991, 27 + 24 p., 3 ref.; R-91-67


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