Evaluatie van het televisieprogramma "Dücker en Oudenrijn".

Hagenzieker, M.P. & Wittink, R.D.

This paper describes an evaluation study into the "Dücker and Oudenrijn" television series. The first series of 16 "Dücker and Oudenrijn" programmes was shown in January 1991 - May 1991. This series is a continuation of the "Familie Oudenrijn" television programme. The aim of the "Dücker and Oudenrijn" series was to make a specific contribution to a step by step change in the Dutch population's transport and traffic behaviour. Points of interest are: (1) environmental nuisance; (2) road hazard; and (3) traffic congestion. The evaluation study consisted of the following substudies: (i) interviews with both media experts, and with traffic and transport experts; (ii) interviews with officials of regional traffic and transport organisations; (iii) a content analysis of a number of programmes of the series; and (iv) a telephone interview among the Dutch population. The overall conclusion is that the "Dücker and Oudenrijn" series was appreciated positively by viewers, even more positive than in previous years. However, there were relatively few people who watched the series. The proportion of 25-49 year-olds among the viewers was not greater than in previous years. The goals were not realised. Additionally, the series was strongly criticised by both media experts and by traffic and transport experts.


C 2811 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 866108

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1991, 25 p., 4 ref.; R-91-22


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