Evaluatie Vervoersprestatie op Locatie. In opdracht van de Novem.

Hilbers, H.D. Broeke, A.M. van den Martens, M.J. Duijn, M. Wilmink, I.R. & Schrijver, J.M.

The Local Traffic Performance (LTP) has the ambition to reduce energy consumption in transport by taking the desired travel behaviour leading for the design or redesign of neighbourhoods. Novem asked TNO Inro to evaluate the effectiveness of the LTP approach. The evaluation focuses on transport planning aspects, the process and the forecasting tools used. The information is gathered in interviews and studying background reports in twelve cases. The cases differed substantially in the possibilities for energy reduction in transport. In most cases, the possibilities were well worked out. The forecasts were of satisfying quality. A complete realisation of the designs made were not within reach for most cases. Location characteristics like site and size were less important for success than timing and local support. Crucial was the support of the project leader. The chances on success can be enlarged by improving the aftercare. (Author/publisher) For related work see C 14807 (ITRD E203445).

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C 23389 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD E206637

Delft, TNO Instituut voor Verkeer en Vervoer, Logistiek en Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling Inro, 2002, XIII + 173 p., 2 ref.; TNO Inro rapport 2002-19 / 01 7N 317 71221 - ISBN 90-6743-901-0

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