Evaluating demand-responsive transportation (DRT) systems. II.

Ward, J.D.

Development trends in cities and their implication for urban transportation systems are briefly reviewed. The CBD-focused, fixed-route transit system are mismatched to the evolving needs of increasingly low-density and multinucleated cities. Regionwide door-to-door system, overcome this mismatch. Conjectures as to these regionwide systems might evolve are presented, and some criteria for their success are listed.

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B 11088 (In: B 10961 S) /72/ IRRD 219270

In: Demand-responsive transportation systems and services : proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Demand-Responsive Transportation Systems, Oakland, California, November 11 - 13, 1974, TRB Special Report No. 154, p. 146-153, 5 fig., 5 graph., 2 ref.

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