An evaluation of an advanced driving course involving company drivers.

Manders, S.M. & Rennie, G.C.

This report outlines a retrospective evaluation of the effectiveness of an advanced driving course given to employees of a concrete, quarring and paving company. Eleven years' accident data were analysed in an attempt to quantify the effect of the course, taking into account the type of vehicle driven and the background of the driver. While there were some indications of improved performance after the course, it cannot validly be argued that the effect is statistically significant. (A)

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C 3535 [electronic version only] /83 / IRRD 272049

Hawthorn, Victoria, Road Traffic Authority RTA, 1984, IV + 18 p., 7 ref.; General Report ; GR 84/1 - ISBN 0-7241-4600-8

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