Evaluation advanced training course for motorcyclists : motorcyclists ride safer after training.

Boele, M.J. & Craen, S. de

Motorcyclists are vulnerable in traffic. A popular measure to reduce crash risk is motorcycle training. However, there is little evidence for the effectiveness of training. SWOV therefore evaluated the ‘Risk’ advanced training course of the Royal Dutch Motorcyclists Association (KNMV). This one-day course teaches motorcyclists to recognize, analyse, and anticipate potential traffic hazards. Results from the two-year evaluation indicate that the ‘Risk’ training has a positive effect on safe riding behaviour and hazard perception of motorcyclists in the short term (the first few months after training). Even in the long term (one year to eighteen months after training) ‘Risk’ trained motorcyclists showed safer traffic behaviour than a control group without ‘Risk’ training. This is a remarkable result, because until now no studies were found that scientifically establish positive effects of an advanced rider training course.


C 51492 [electronic version only]

The Hague, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, 2014, 11 p., 4 ref.; R-2014-22E


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