An evaluation of the California safe routes to school program.

Boarnet, M.G. Day, K. & Anderson, C.

This research expands an ongoing pre- and post-evaluation of the California Safe Routes to School (SR2S) construction program, which allocates $44 million to local governments for infrastructure projects to improve the safety and feasibility of walking and bicycling to school We are evaluating 12 SR2S sites in Southern California and sites in Northern California. The research includes: (1) assessment of changes to SR2S sites that are associated with the construction program; (2) observations of pedestrian, bicyclist, and driver behaviour before and after SR2S construction at each site; and (3) surveys of parents before and after SR2S construction at each site to assess attitudes and perceptions of safety. The evaluation examines the effectiveness of different neighbourhood and traffic interventions in improving the safety of children’s non-motorised travel near schools, the frequency of walking and bicycling among children, and the interaction between perceived safety, traffic patterns, the physical environment, and walking and bicycling behaviour. (Author/publisher)

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C 26861 [electronic version only]

Berkeley, CA, University of California Transportation Center (UCTC), 2003, 111 p.; UCTC Research Paper 676

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