Evaluation of car traffic reduction potential in urban areas : Paris and Lyon case studies.

Armoogum, J. Bonnel, P. Caubel, D. Hivert, L. & Massot, M.H.

Transport scenarios have been designed to incorporate a progressive improvement in public transport supply in the following respects: increase in speeds on the roads, increase in service frequencies during off-peak periods, creation of exclusive public transport lanes, reserving radial roads for public transport, extension of metro and regional express rail and reorganisation of bus routes in response to this. There were also devised and simulated a set of appropriate accompanying strategies that are intended to improve the effectiveness of public transport supply, for example policies to encourage the use of the bicycle or park and ride schemes. The methodology developed by INRETS has been applied on Paris and Lyon region based on the last household travel survey conducted in each area. For each transport scenario, Paris and Lyon models are used to calculate public transport time for all trips whatever is the actual mode of transport. The procedure of mode transfer was then applied to assess the effect of each of these scenarios on mode choice. The procedure is based on automatic rules. Trips, or more precisely round trips, are assigned to one or other of the alternative modes on the basis of elimination rules (no walking for distances over 2 kilometres, no cycling over 8 kilometres, no modal transfer if the purpose of the round trip is for escorting purposes etc.) and on the basis of constraints (individual travel-time budgets, the length of each trip and round trips, the existence of transport supply etc.). This system of rules and constraints constitutes the core of the modal transfer procedure. For the covering abstract see ITRD E124693.

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C 31779 (In: C 31766 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E124706

In: Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Homerton College, Cambridge, 9-11 September 2002, 22 p.

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