Evaluation of the Children’s Traffic Club in Scotland : new nursery and playgroup pack.

Graham, T. Fyfe, K. Hughes, M. & Murray, A.

The Children's Traffic Club in Scotland (CTCS) revised nursery and playgroup pack was relaunched in 2001. It contains a guide for nurseries and playgroups, a curricular links guide, the CTCS booklets, a story tape, posters and templates to provide colouring-in exercises all based around the theme of road safety. Parents' card and stickers have been designed to encourage parental involvement in road safety education. The evaluation of the pack involved a combination of personal and telephone interviews and a postal survey of nursery staff from 200 nurseries, road safety officers and local authority advisers. Half of the nurseries reported using the pack, regarded it as valuable and particularly like the story book and curriculum links books. Nurseries had integrated the pack into a wide range of road safety activities and suggested that more group activities and games would be useful. Local authority advisers did not play a major role in the promotion of the packs. Awareness and use of the packs was greatest in nurseries where it had been distributed personally by a Road Safety Officer or where it had been included in in-service training for nursery staff. The pack significantly raised awareness of the CTCS among nursery staff and parents. (Author/publisher)

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C 26391 [electronic version only] /83 /10 / ITRD E125017

Edinburgh, Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit (CRU), 2003, IV + 157 p.; Transport Research Series - ISSN 0950-2254 / ISBN 0-7559-3596-9

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