Evaluation des Carsharinggesetzes

[Evaluation of the Carsharing Act]
Kurte, J.; Esser, K.; Wittowsky, D.; Groth, S.; Garde, J.; Helmrich, P.M.

On behalf of the Federal Highway Research Institute, the evaluation team KE-CONSULT Kurte &Esser GbR and studio next mobility Wittowsky Garde Groth GbR evaluated the Carsharing Act (CsgG), which came into force in July 2017. This evaluation uses the input-output-outcome-impact approach (input: CsgG, output: monitoring and implementation steps in the federal government, federal states and municipalities, outcome: effects on the carsharing market; impact: intended longterm effects) and is based on literature analysis as well as on own empirical surveys among the federal states, municipalities and municipal associations, carsharing providers and transport users.
The CsgG forms the basis for giving preferential treatment to carsharing vehicles in order to promote carsharing. This concerns the granting of special rights of use on public roads to providers of stationbased carsharing vehicles, as well as parking and charging for parking on public roads for stationindependent and station-dependent vehicles. In this way, the CsgG triggers a chain of effects that is intended to stimulate the carsharing market via the activities of the federal government, the states and the municipalities. This, in turn, results in a higher market penetration of carsharing and can thus benefit the traffic and environmental effects associated with carsharing.
The CsgG has been mainly associated with transport and environmental objectives as reducing private motorized transport, interconnecting local public transport, closing the gap between the different modes of transport within the environmental network, replacing private cars and thus reducing the number of cars and relieving the pressure on public space, increasing the market penetration with new and environmentally friendly driving technologies, simplifying and strengthening the use of carsharing and promoting sustainable mobility, improving the performance conditions of the national economy.
The performance review carried out as part of the evaluation of the CsgG concludes that key intervention goals of the CsgG and the associated further legislative and regulatory activities at federal and state level have been achieved. The positive effects triggered by the CsgG regarding output, outcome and impact could be further strengthened in the future through supplementary measures. However, an immediate need for improvement is not seen at present. In this regard, it is recommended to observe further market developments. Based on the evaluation results, 12 key points on 4 levels of action are proposed for stabilization and reinforcement.

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Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe M: Mensch und Sicherheit
20220174 ST [electronic version only]

Bericht zum Forschungsprojekt 89.0348 der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt

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Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt, Bergisch Gladbach

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