Evaluation of driver assistance system.

Kondo, S. Asanuma, N. Ishida, S. Ikegaya, M. & Tanaka, J.

A Driver Assistance System (DAS), integrating Lane Keeping System (LKS), which is a type of torque-assisted system, with the aim of reducing the driver's lane keeping workload, and Adaptive Cruise Control System (ACC), with the aim of reducing the driver's throttle and brake control workload, were researched. Verification tests conducted using the simulator and the actual vehicle confirmed that the DAS does not reduce the driver's concentration and helps reduce the driver's workload. (A*)

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C 19953 (In: C 19519 CD-ROM) /91 / ITRD E110986

In: ITS: smarter, smoother, safer, sooner : proceedings of 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), held Toronto, Canada, November 8-12, 1999, Pp-

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