Evaluation of the Family Guide to Teen Driver Safety : final report.

Hartos, J. Williams, J. & Combs, B.

The goals of this study were to determine 1) views of parents and professionals on the content and use of the Family Guide to Teen Driver Safety, 2) strategies to implement the Family Guide into new and existing programs related to teen driver safety, and 3) impact on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of families with teen drivers. Parents of the teens in driver education and professionals who taught driver eduction were recruited from driver eduction activities in North Carolina and Maryland, and were asked to read the Family Guide to Teen Driver Safety and complete a telephone survey about it two weeks later. This report has detailed information about the study and the findings. (Author/publisher)

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20071201 ST [electronic version only]

Atlanta, GA, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 2007, 21 p.

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