Evaluation of a four-year bicycle helmet promotion campaign in Quebec aimed at children ages 8 to 12 : impact on attitudes, norms and behaviours.

Farley, C. Otis, J. & Benoit, M.

This study evaluates a four-year bicycle helmet promotion campaign. Children's attitudes, social norms, intentions to wear a bicycle helmet as well as helmet ownership were measured. Evaluation was based on a pre-experimental static group comparison design repeated at two (1991) and four years (1993) after implementation, with a non-randomised control group. 3,424 students completed a self-administered questionnaire (experimental: 2,097, control: 1,327). The program had a significant impact on helmet ownership (1989: 4%; 1991: 26%; 1993: 56%). The program was the principal predictor of high intention to use a bicycle helmet. Time was the principal predictor of ownership with exposure to the program being the next predictor. This study showed that time is an important factor in bicycle helmet acquisition, and that a long-term community-based program can accelerate the process of adopting this behaviour. (A)

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C 21567 [electronic version only] /83 /84 /

Canadian Journal of Public Health, Vol. 88 (1997), No. 1 (January-February, p. 62-66, 32 ref.

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