An evaluation of the impact and outcomes of the Aboriginal Community Road Safety Project for the Road Safety Bureau Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales NSW.

Perkins, N.

This report reviews and evaluates the impact and outcomes of the RTA Aboriginal Community Road Safety Project, a pilot community based road injury prevention project, which was conducted in the Aboriginal communities at Dareton and Caroona during the period from late May to November 1991. (Author/publisher)

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C 24211 [electronic version only] /83 /

Rosebery, NSW, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales RTA, Road Safety Bureau RSB, 1992, 33 + 14 p., 10 ref.; Consultant Report ; CR 2/92 / CRB 92.162 - ISSN 0819-2243 / ISBN 0-7305-3684-X

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