Evaluation of the impact of roads on the visual amenity of rural areas.

Clamp, P.E.

The report presents the findings of a research project into an assessment of the change in visual amenity resulting from the introduction of new roads into a landscape. In the results, two indices are derived with the following characteristics. The first index which would give a measure of the attractiveness of present landscapes that could be expressed on either a numerical or verbal scale, could be used in compiling landscape amenity maps for structure plans. The second index would be used to determine the change in score, on the same scale, caused by the building of motorway, dual carriageway or 3-lane single carriageway roads. The methods of deriving these indices and their application are described.

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3 + 0 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 11961 fo /21/ IRRD 223367

London, Department of the Environment, 1976, 17 p., fig., tab.

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