Evaluation of incident impacts on integrated motorway and arterial networks using traffic simulation.

Dia, H. & Gondwe, W.

The task of quantifying the impacts of incidents is an important and necessary undertaking in order to justify the expenditure of public funds on intelligent transport systems (ITS) and other road projects. Roadway incidents impose a substantial cost to society when delays, congestion, secondary accidents, and environmental emissions are taken into consideration. The work reported in this paper aims to quantify the traffic and emissions impacts of motorway incidents and evaluating the benefits of incident management strategies. The test-bed selected for this study comprised a traffic simulation model of the Pacific Motorway (also called the M1 Motorway) between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The primary objective of this work was to demonstrate the feasibility of using AIMSUN NG microscopic traffic simulation model to evaluate the impacts of incidents using field data and other related information from the Nerang Traffic Management Centre. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E217541.

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C 48533 (In: C 48527 [electronic version only]) /71 / ITRD E217522

In: Proceedings of the 31st Australasian Transport Research Forum : transport's role in delivering economic prosperity, liveability and sustainability, Holiday Inn, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2-3 October, 2008, 13 p., 15 ref.

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